Vertical garden projects

21-25 rue Tiquetonne / Paris 19ème

80-82 rue du Faubourg Poissonnières / Paris 10ème

Client : Paris City Hall / DPJEV

In association with P. BLANC, Botaniste

Cost : 170 000€



Located in one of the districts among densest of Paris, the place of intervention, contiguous to a school, was to reflect through the project, the presence of the various forms of nature downtown. This one must also answer the creation of a new type of garden in Paris equipped with a microclimate (environment around being very mineral), a meeting place at the exit of the school, a breathing in a very narrow street.

The presence of two vertical walls on public space, on both sides of the school, made it possible to work on the notion of the vertical garden, in partnership with the botanist and plastics technician P. Blanc, precursor and specialist in this kind of project.

This project was the occasion of a particularly rich experiment thanks to a simultaneous work on the notions of botany, the biodiversity, public space and architecture. It made it possible to show, on a teaching level, that nature are a basic element to live it, temporality and “food-together” downtown, while answering the environmental challenges.